what we do
Trim Healthy You is a digital health and nutrition curriculum created by Trim Healthy Mama to teach children and teens the skills to help them become the healthiest they can be now and for the rest of their lives. Providing scientific information, Biblical references and practical how to’s in a fun and approachable way, students will be empowered with knowledge to help make their own choices when it comes to better nutrition. Each level includes exclusive recipes and age appropriate exercise ideas, along with hands on activities to appeal to every type of learner. Our Trim Healthy You mission is for each child to have vibrant health for life!
The Trim Healthy Mama Story
The THM story started with two sisters who wrote a book about food freedom for women and called it Trim Healthy Mama. It was a self-published book with no expectations, no advertising budget, and no celebrity endorsements. It became a movement as word caught on and friends shared their success “ON PLAN” with others. Trim Healthy Mama became a best-seller, inspired a viral community, and developed a food line. Now, millions have reclaimed their health and have become Trim Healthy Mamas for life!
With love from the Trim Healthy Mama Headquarters

what we do
Trim Healthy You is a digital health and nutrition curriculum created by Trim Healthy Mama to teach children and teens the skills to help them become the healthiest they can be now and for thee rest of their lives. Providing scientific information, Biblical references and practical how to’s in a fun and approachable way, students will be empowered with knowledge to help make their own choices when it comes to better nutrition. Each level includes exclusive recipes and age appropriate exercise ideas, along with hands on activities to appeal to every type of learner. Our Trim Healthy you mission is for each child to have vibrant health for life!

The Trim Healthy Mama Story
The THM story started with two sisters who wrote a book about food freedom for women and called it Trim Healthy Mama. It was a self-published book with no expectations, no advertising budget, and no celebrity endorsements. It became a movement as word caught on and friends shared their success “ON PLAN” with others. Trim Healthy Mama bacame a best-seller, inspired a viral community, and developed a food line. Now, millions have reclaimed their health and have become Trim Healthy Mamas for life!
With love from the Trim Healthy Mama Headquarters